Intensive dance lessons on Thurs & Fri night!
0 Comments Published by hall 8 dnd 08 on 23 August 2008 at 23:44.
They were taught the twist-and-slide chinese dance move.

The lights in the dance room went off right on the dot at 11pm as usual, as it was set on timer by the hall. However, the night was still young. The dance lesson shifted onto the comm hall and continued as Gary made use of every moment to teach each couple their individual stunt.

Hong Zhi and Guang Yao taking a break...

On Friday Night, it was dance training again!
As usual, we were unable to start promtly at 9pm due to the inconsideration of a group of people using the dance room before us.
But anyway, our contestants were very coorperative and managed to settle down quickly before they began the warm-up exercises.
Guang Yao and his trademark smile. Ever-ready before the camera. LOL!
And it was girl power for the night! Tim had to attend lessons so Jade, Hwee Leng & I were put in charged.
Dance, dance and more dance! The only way to perfect their moves was to get the contestants to repeat the whole dance again and again.
It takes two to Tango...
Exactly 1 more week to SHANGHAI NIGHT!
I'm sure all of you are excited and are looking forward to seeing their moves. Hang in there my dear contestants!
I'm sure all of your hard work are going to pay off well! =D
Labels: Hwei Fung
and so their ever-shag training started off with a revision of the girls' catwalk!

then the guys'!

look at how nice their poses are after going through intensive trainings!!! =D JUST LOOK.
here's a snapshot of him just as he was about to start his solo dance.
and then it was BACK to hall studio again and everything went well except for this poor girl, pei shan, who injured her toe after badly so she had to stop training for a while.. BUT no worries, she felt much better after a rest already lah (:
dance training followed... ... heh, shan't show too much, wanna see more? COME FOR THE ACTUAL EVENT ON 30TH AUGUST, 6PM AT ORCHID COUNTRY CLUB!!! come support them! (:
oh, before i end this post, great thanks to kennard and grace, for helping us look after the dance studio while we left for gary's performance (:
not forgetting the seniors who came down to help out! and pics of fung and timo as well (:
trainings again for the next few dayssss... support the contestants k!!! (: pls come on actual dnd night! i'm sure contestants need physical support, not just mental support lah! (:
Labels: Hwee Leng
today was the contestants' second trip down to SHINE modeling agency..
the contestants were all on their toes again....hoping they'd meet the models' expectations.....
Tim standing in for Hazzely.........
the girls trying to work on their "contact" positioning....
the girls (above)....awaiting the verdict and corrections......
the guys paying rapt attention to advise.....(all except chuan kai, who seems EVER READY for the cam LOL)
shortly after the first run through, the guys and girls were separated, like the week before, to work and focus more on their individual walking styles.....
has mr macho gotten in touch with his feminine side? or was he simply stretching? hahahaha!
the girls, finally getting the hang of it, although they still have to practice, the improvement they're making is really SHINING through, no mistake about that! =)
to the contestants: your nannies are proud! -flashes a megawatt grin-
one more session with SHINE, then the next stage they'll grace, will be the one waiting for them at OCC!
'ja-ne =)
Labels: Jade

Labels: Tim (: